Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Night Blessings

1- "Nanny McPhee"
This movie is SOOO freakin' adorable!! I love movies like this!! It's just silly fun! And Evangeline....she is just so peeerdy!

2- Good friends
This goes without saying. I may not have many friends, but there are a few who are with me through thick and thin.

3-Tractors town.

...and the adorable old man driving it. He thought I was annoyed for having to drive slowly behind him. I waved and gave him a big smile to let him know I didn't mind a bit.

4- Kittens
My 2 adorable little kittens who nurse on my kitchen table and play in my laundry baskets. They claw at my toes and purr in my ear. I enjoy having them around and will miss them when they are gone.

5- Being a kid
..with Mac and Cheese for dinner. But being 'adult' enough to add some peas for extra vitamins. Hehehe.

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