Saturday, October 4, 2008

Laa dee dah...

Today was another great day, just as I had hoped. Dan and I happily woke up together, I had a wonderful shift at work and the rest of the day was filled with fun! Dan had some issues while I was at work and I didn't feel my usual frustrations and anger about them...this whole new perspective is *gasp!* working!
Revisit this concept here.

♥I love it!♥

I left work 30 minutes early (tisk, tisk) to go to a craft fair with the wonderful Kristin. It was closing while we were just arriving but we still made the best. I was able to talk to a lady who spins her own yard to knit with. The yarn comes from her own sheep and that is pretty cool if you ask me!! I bought an AdOrAbLe hat from her, and walked away with some advice: "All men are jackass's" and she told us to ignore their crap and move on. Sound advice, I'd say. She was around 70-80 years old and was just...a talk to!! It looks like a strawberry and Madelyn realllly enjoys it! Not to mention, I have fallen in love with little things that are needle-felted. Have you ever seen anything that has been needlefelted??

Thanks to whoever made these adorable little creatures and had them on Google and Etsy! Wish I could link you back to them, but I don't know how to do that!

How adorable are those?!?! I fell in love with this sort of crafting the minute I saw it. I've been dying to try it and see if it is something that clicks with me! I talked to her about it and where I should get it. She gave me a wool-festival info sheet that is coming up! I hope I can go! How fun!

After a stop at another rummage and a local thrift store I went home to relax. Imagine that! I'm looking forward to cutting back my hours, for sure! Kristin and her genious brain decided that it was indeed time for some Pizza Hut. (Kristin lives across the hall...and I like her more than that wool lady!) Yum...their chicken alfredo is definetly something to indulge in...and indulge is just what I did!!

Dan is off with two friends visiting his brother. It took a lot of effort to let him go...I'm always SO anxious about what sort of trouble he will land in. But, I talked to him about it and after quite a few reassurances I let him go. He called at the time I asked him too...and I love him so much for it! I wish he would have been her to go to sleep with me, but I know he'll be home soon enough. Tomorrow he has off so we can spend some time together then.

I'm sooo sleepy about some blessings:

1. My new perspective. It has's made me a better person already. I'm so much happier and things don't bother me.

2. Craft festivals. I just love being surrounded by all that creativity. Just love it.

3. Great women...
...ladies who love wool, are willing to help me learn something, will give me info on her craft, and are not hesitant to tell you how it is with the male specie. She was pretty cool, I must admit. And Madelyn's strawberry hat, oh my, it's cuteness will bring me a lot of smiles and happiness. I'm a sucker for a cute hat on a small child. Why? I will never know. Here's a picture of Madelyn last year with a pumpkin hat on:

4. Great friends like Kristin.
We just...get each other...all of our quirks, obsessions, and passions. We understand each other on a level that is so...wonderful.

5. Pizza Hut.
...And not feeling guilty for not cooking a meal. Yum, that alfredo was just soooo yummy.

6. Foggy weather
I absolutely love foggy weather. I'm talking that thiiiick fog, so thick you can't see your own feet, type of fog. There is just a special smell in the air, a certain feel, your breath feels different and best of all, you feel alone. I feel like when there is fog outside I am alone. I am alone in my journey and it doesn't matter which way I go or how I go about it, all that matters is I reach my destination. I can trip, fall, sing, dance, skip, or one will care because they are just trying to get through the fog to their destination. I love fog. I really, really do.

7. Dan...
...and the fact that even though I'm as hairy as Chewbacca, he will still sleep next to me, legs entwined in a passionate cuddle session. He hasn't said a word about my lack of leg-shaving and I love him for that very, very much.

Love, Emily

I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
– Dr. Seuss

(I shaved my legs tonight, by the way)

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