Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Friday

Today was a great day.

It started out well, stayed well, and is going to end well. I am confident of that. I plan the same for tomorrow.

Today was an extra clumsy sort of day, but I appreciated and embraced it. I tripped on the mat at work, dropped things left and right, and threw a pack of cigarettes at Mr. Marlboro's head, sorry dude. I made a few customers laugh (like the poor women who witnessed one trip and the cig-flinging!) and had a nice conversation with a regular. Days like this are why I truly enjoy my a gas station. (Or no, convenience store...sorrrrry.) I love my coworkers and customers. I enjoy having an angry customer come in and send them out the door happy, satisfied and with a smile on their face. It fills my cup, if you will.

I decided to take a look at my iGoogle and check out my daily fortune cookie.

"Your love life will be happy and harmonious."

I thoroughly enjoy how my iGoogle always has something positive to say, at just the right time. My love life was happy and harmonious today...and I plan to truely try and keep it that way. I think Dan and I struggle at times because of the lack of...a love life...I'm talking the true, deep, fill your cup with warm fuzzy love, love. I'm done with his deprivation, I'm done with the lack of snuggle time. I vote for daily kisses, hugs, massages, cuddling and lots of true love. It's more than just sex! Everyone needs more love making in their lives, through kisses, massages, cuddling, snuggling, hugging....simple touch. "Touch is one of the most essential elements of human development, a profound method of communication, a critical component of the health and growth... and a powerful healing force" Well, there you go. Time to heal.

How about some blessings:

1. Good sex
Enough said.

2. Employment
My great coworkers, my funny customers, the new people to chat with, the chance to make people happy...the whole darn thing!

3. My mother
She called me tonight and invited me over for a Sunday dinner. Chicken, mashed potatoes (real, homemade, amazingly delicious, creamy, smooth, whipped potato-y deliciousness....mmm), squash, and green beans. Thank you, Mom, for thinking of me and wanting to share your delicious cooking with me. My child and I will be over around 4.
(My mouth is watering already......)

4. Culver's
(It's a burger joint that is located in a few states here in America. While you can feel your arteries clog by just looking at it, I do still enjoy it on occasion.)
Today, my beautiful daughter and I decided to have a lazy-lunch day and stop there before I went to work. After finishing my burger that was topped with plenty of extras (bacon, lettuce, pickles, ketchup, and mayo), I had to take a few bites out of Madelyn's. Why my baby bird of a child always feels it's necessary for me to "test it out" I will never understand! It was simply delicious. How is it that her burger-with nothing but meat and cheese-was superior to my loaded, complicated burger?? Really, it was just soo tasty. It reminded me of a very easy concept: simplicity is best. It really, really is.

5. My radio
It has this special ability to answer my questions and make me feel better. It's a crazy thing, really, but I just looove it. Today on my way home from work, I turned it on while pondering my life, where I'm going, who I am, and what I'm becoming. "I swear it's true, Because a girl like you's impossible to find..." Ahh yes, thank you Mr. Radio for reminding me that I am me. I am my own special person with my own special talents. Thanks hun, for the reminder. Sometimes I forget.

Have a great weekend guys!

Love, Emily.

1 comment:

photo freak said...

Yup.. So I just went in and told the boy that my life is not worth the stress that I go through coming home being upset with him every day. That the simple request for him to get up by noon every day was not asking too much, and that if he cannot even attempt to change that one simple thing.. then I'm not going to try anymore. The simple fact that he is upset with me for ordering supper for MYSELF.. and not him. urg! lol. I can so relate to you with the things you are feeling and saying lately.. and I thank you for making me feel so very not alone anymore. LOVE YOU!