Sunday, October 12, 2008


Good morning everyone! I, unfortunately have to spend a wonderful sunny Sunday work. Yuck! Anyways, I decided I would spend these last few minutes before work writing down my wonderful dream.

I have no idea as to when it started, who the father was, or why I was where I was but I was hugely pregnant. Very, very pregnant. Suddenly I was in labor and giving birth. There really wasn't any time to react or think. It was a very wonderful moment. I gave birth (unassisted) to one beaaaautiful baby. No tears, no pain, no troubles. Then, after cleaning up that baby with a towel that magically appeared and beginning to nurse him/her, I felt pushing urges again and there was a second baby. Whoa. I clean him/her up and began to tandem nurse (what skill so soon after birth!?!?) The urge was back. At this moment, I set both babies down, and delivered their 3rd bro/sis. I somehow got into my head there were 4....Well, #3 was born, I went through the same routine. It was all very quick, it was all very painless. I don't even know how it works with multiples, but in my birth, they each had their own placenta, and all three came out after the last baby was born. Each baby was a Lotus baby (you don't cut/clamp the cords you just wrap the placenta in a diaper or cloth with some salt and herbs and you leave it to dry and the cord falls off on its own) and it was not once an inconvenience to do it that way. Then, after all that, I cleaned up my birthing mess-there wasn't much-and sat down and nursed; nursing came extrememly naturally and was very pleasant. Each baby was so beautiful. They all looked almost exact to my daughter when she was a newborn. It seemed so natural that there were 3 of them. Three incredibly beautiful babies with huge blue eyes! My mom and Dave(stepdad) were downstairs. At this point it became clear that I was at my dad's house. I lived there for 17 years before I moved out on my own, leaving him behind. Why my mom and Dave were there is beyond me. Anyways, there was no surprise with there being 3 babies, I was surprised, but everyone else seemed to know. My mom didn't say much, Dave didn't say a word.
Then I somehow got this wild hair up my butt and decided that I must show Kristin and everyone else at work. Why?? What the hell?!?! So, what did I do but put three little babies +placenta into my moby wrap and walk Kwik Trip. My goodness...I didn't get there because my alarm went off, but I was on the phone with Kristin and she was very, very excited.
All in all, it was a wooonderful dream. I absolutely looove dreams of pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood. Sometimes I have dreamed of my birth being chaotic and painful, other times my births are so easy the baby falls out while I'm standing. This one was pleasantly in the middle. There was discomfort and pressure, but not pain. It seemed like I could feel their heads being born without the "ring of fire" pain. There were no rips, tears or injuries of any kind. I felt fine afterwards. After my daughter, I wanted to know what "it" looked like "downthere" but there wasn't a mirror available-neither was a scale coincidentally! I never did get to see the "damage" until much later. This time, I looked to see if there were any tears. Why, I'm not sure. But, there was nothing. Everything looked fine and dandy. I was very surprised. It was all so strange.
It was a really nice dream to wake up to...the unassisted childbirth of three amazingly beautiful babies. I love that some people dream of safaris in Africa, being chased, or doing other strange things....I dream of childbirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, midwifery, and attachment parenting as a whole. My passion??? I'd say so.

Three babies as beautiful as this little one:

From New Album 6/14/07 1:37 PM

From Untitled Album

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