Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm angry at the world.

I haven't written down my blessings for the last few days...sorry to anyone who wanted to read them. I've been feeling really bitter the last day or two. I've been trying soooo hard to keep my head up and to work on these problems with Dan. The damn streets goes both ways, you know. He needs to work at this to! How is he working on this all??? Let me count the ways: staying out late, not calling, getting in trouble without saying I'm sorry, or thank you when I help him out of it, not paying me back, and spending more time with his little man friends than us. Thanks, dude, you're really making it easy to be nice to you.

The sun doesn't shine out of my freakin' ass. I'm not always happy. I'm not always nice. I just feel like being a bitch. I don't have the patience to deal with other people's bullshit. I don't feel well. My neck hurts, my back aches. I have a headache that throbs and my feet hurt. I want to lay down in bed and not get up. But I simply can't. If I do that, I'll wake up to find that my toddler ran away or that she trashed my house.

I need a massage and a vacation. Think if I put it on my Christmas list it'll happen???????

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