Friday, October 3, 2008

And so it Begins

Today I made the decision to start a blog. I need to write. I need to share. I need my own spot. Everyday, I am going to record my blessings. Everyday, I am going to recognize something beautiful. Just like the women who sparked this in me said, "But of course, it's all up to you.
It's Your NOW!" And she was right. This is MY now. This is MY life. And this is MY day. I am ME.

My blessings~
1. My child.
That kid is simply awesome, period. I've never felt so loved in my life since I birthed that amazing little creature. Tonight my beautiful 2 year old daughter brushed her mother's hair with such tender love, I'm thankful she is filled with as much love as she is. I am succeeding in motherhood.

2. My internet connection.
Sounds silly, but without it I wouldn't have the options I feel like it gives me. I wouldn't have come across the amazing people I have, read the empowering things I have, seen the beautiful and inspiring things I have and I think I'd struggle to find my "self" more without it. It fuels my creativity!

3. Photography.
My photographer's eye is more than just a talent. It is something I treasure. I'm so thankful the universe gave this gift to me. Like many other passionate photographers will tell you, something is just "different" with us. I witness myself seeing the beauty in something others don't recognize as anything out of the ordinary. I see things others don't. I love that.

4. PostSecret.
Nothing like being reminded you are not alone, you're not a freak, you are worthy of love, and you are special....with some art thrown in for good measure. Yup, I'm very thankful for PostSecret. Thank you Frank Warren.

5. Elle Febbo.
The one who gave me the courage and enough inspiration to start this journey. Thank you.

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