Sunday, November 16, 2008

Copy Cat

I saw this on another women's blog and I thought it could be interesting...

I am: a mother, companion, artist, photographer, & crafter.

I think: too long and hard about things like childbirth and child rearing.

I know: how to make delicious breakfast casserole and chocolate chip cookies.

I want: to have another baby and a quaint wedding.

I have: so many things to be happy and feel blessed about.

I wish: my daughter would stop growing up.

I hate: when people don't understand natural living, especially natural childbirth.

I miss: babywearing.

I fear: never having another baby.

I feel: loved.

I hear: football.

I smell: the cinnamon in my shampoo.

I crave: lovin'.

I search: for good deals, crafting ideas, and recipes.

I wonder: when I'll get pregnant or married.

I regret: not having a natural childbirth and not breastfeeding. Read more.

I love: Madelyn, Daniel, my friends, my photography, my art, my crafts...and my kitchen. The internet, too.

I ache: in my belly.

I care about: natural living, natural childbirth, my family, my friends, my art.

I always: get backaches.

I am not: fake.

I believe: that love is always the answer and that you need to trust the process.

I dance: with my daughter around our house to songs like this.

I sing: really bad.

I don't always: exhibit patience.

I fight: when you disrespect me or are ignorant or hurt someone else.

I write: daily.

I win: at this game of life. Remember??

I lose: my clothes.

I never: want to live with regrets.

I confuse: people because I talk so much.

I listen: to everything.

I can usually be found: riiiight here.

I am scared: of snakes, deer, and people dying.

I need: my family, my friends, my art.

I am happy about: sooo many things.

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